I attended college, for a couple of years, but soon deserted my major to pursue my passion for photography. I married my husband Liam Davel who was South African. We traveled and spend much time in South Africa shooting wildlife and incredible landscapes from his beautiful country. Liam and I both worked multiple jobs to save up for photography school. We then moved out west to Montana where I attended photography school and graduated in 2002. After that we moved back to Georgia and I started assisting many very well known commercial photographers. I received much on the job training and experience. I had the privilege to assist with my many celebrity photo shoots, published landscape photographers, and a variety of high end commercial photo sessions. Liam, my mother Michele, and I started our photography career in 2005 and have never looked back since then. We through the years have had the honor to shoot a vast variety of images and portraits. We have had the privilege to shoot many well known celebrities including George Bush II. We were contracted to shoot many custom home interiors and beautiful golf course images. Our work has been published in many magazines, and displayed on many billboards. We have been recognized by Photographers of America Magazine and have received multiple merits for our photographs. Liam and I never believed in being average when it comes to our photography and our lives in general.
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